Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Web Presence

I recently decided to switch over from using MySpace as a blog to using Google’s Blogger system. Since this is my first post on this blog, I thought I would share a list of my main websites. Most of the sites and articles have something to do with the occult and specifically Lucifer. The actual meaning of Lucifer may surprise you! Briefly, I see it as the force of Truth and Freedom. Some of my sites also relate to my musical project, Pleasure The Priestess. Under this name, Matt Carty and I produce industrial dance music. Hope you enjoy!

http://www.jeremycrow.com   This is my personal website that I’ve had up since 2002. Mostly hosts some of the articles I’ve written over the last decade on a form of rebellious, truth-seeking spirituality that I promote called Left Hand Path occultism. My own interpretation of this path could be called Luciferian Apotheosis.

http://www.squidoo.com/jeremycrow  A squidoo page (lens) that I created as a hub to feature my other squidoo pages. A Squidoo Lens is a type of hub page that includes content (articles, videos, etc...), interactive modules (polls, debates, comments) and links to relevant resources.

http://luciferianresearch.org   This is a social network that I founded and continue to maintain called The Luciferian Research Society. There are several sub-groups that cater to the various needs and interests of the members.

http://goups.yahoo.com/group/TheOrdoLuciferi/   This is the email discussion group associated with The Ordo Luciferi (Latin for The “Luciferian Order”.) It is an organization set up in a manner similar in some respects to Freemasonry. Started about 5 years ago by Billy “Lucian” Black and currently headed by myself. The idea is to provide guidance to those who are seeking to break through delusion and take control of their own lives. Members are encouraged to develop into leadership positions within the greater Luciferian community.

http://podcast.luciferianresearch.org   This is a podcast that I started in 2010 with my good friend Matt Carty. It goes over occult topics and tries to eliminate the element of superstition to look at the raw facts. Early episodes include such topics as Left Hand Path mythology, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection and the Tarot.

http://www.pleasurethepriestess.com   Matt and I also started up a band called Pleasure The Priestess. This is the website for that. It is electronic music influenced by Drum N’ Bass, Goth Rock and Industrial music.

I have other pages that aren't listed here, but I can share those with you later. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them here! Also, don't forget to subscribe to this blog!

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